Postgraduate in New Zealand

Post-graduation can be carried out only after the completion of graduation a Bachelor’s level degree at an accredited institution, and the courses may include Diploma, Master and PhD. These studies are rather more focused than those you may find at the undergraduate level, and also the classes are usually much, intense as well. There are many alternative options that you have when you are looking to acquire a postgraduate degree in New Zealand. Normally, applicants require a three-year academic degree for entry into most of the Post-graduate courses in New Zealand. If English is not your first language, then you will be required to take the IELTS or TOEFL test to ascertain your English language skills.PG courses help improve career prospects by specializing in core areas of the subject of study, thereby helping to enhance or boost the existing knowledge and skills. Masters-level specialization allows you to focus on your educational interests, all the while providing you with an opportunity to find a spectrum of career options. In a nutshell, postgraduate education is the perfect choice if a student is looking to spice up his knowledge domain and kick-start his career.

Intakes Available

New Zealand universities offer two major intakes for students – July and February, with few universities offering multiple intakes in September and November. Complete college application procedure could take more than few months in total. Therefore it is ideal to start preparing application six months before and apply as soon as universities start accepting intake applications. Many Indian students prefer the July intake, though February intake is equally good for particular programs.

English Requirement

International students from non English speaking countries students must provide evidence of their English proficiency. To get a New Zealand study visa, they need a min overall IELTS Band Score of 5.5. But for post-graduation they need a higher score of 6.5 with no band less than 6.0 and Bachelors score with min of 60% .Pearson Test of English is also accepted in many colleges with overall score of 58 and no PTE communicative score below 50.

Admission Documents

  • All the academic documents including Xth, XIIth and Bachelor Degree
  • Two Letter of Recommendations
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Work Experience Documents if applicable
  • Resume
  • Any certificates and achievement documents.
  • Birth Certificate

Expense of Study

The average cost of a Postgraduate degree in New Zealand for international students is, around $19,000 – $35,000 per year. Your expenditure on the Tuition fees at a Postgraduate level can vary on the type of course you wish to study, which part of country you wish to study in and university ranking. However if students choose medicine, engineering, or veterinary science the course fees are likely to be Higher however, an efficient budget plan can help you manage your living expenses more effectively. Living expenses will vary in different cities.