UK point based system for Immigration
We are discussing UK point based system for immigration for those of you who are in UK on skilled worker or for those of you who are trying to get permanent residency following your studies in UK.
To start with let’s discuss the point based system for skilled workers wherein you need 70 points to apply for immigration in U.K.
How are these points divided :
1) 20 points are for the offer of a job from an approved sponsor. If you have a job from an approved sponsor this can’t be just about any employer it has to be from an approved sponsor list only then can you get 20 points.
2) The next 20 points is if your job is at appropriate skill level, which means your job can’t be, just about anything, let’s suppose you have done MBA in UK, and now you are working at a supervisory position in a store, then this is not an appropriate skill, level. Which means the work experience should be in accordance to the previous studies.
3) English proficiency you get 10 points your English proficiency is above B level which means
4) The next 20 points is for the salary threshold of 25600 pounds per annum so if your salary is above 25600 GBP you get an additional 20 points. So, if we were to sum up 70points, 20 for a job at /with an appropriate sponsor at an appropriate
Skill level. 20 for salary above 25600GBP and 10 for English.
There is in fact additional 20 points if your job is in a shortage of occupation list. To explain this further shortage of occupation list is devised by migration advisory committee and includes all those occupations that have shortage of workers. If your occupation is in skill shortage list published by the Migration advisory committee you get an additional 20 points, which makes it 90.
In-fact there are additional 20 points for student who have done PHD and stem programs.